Review by Lance Liddle
Thanks to Lance Liddle of Bebop Spoken Here for his review of Eric Goletz's latest album, "Standard-ized!," to be released on February 10th.
It's only Jan. 9 and I'm being hit with so many albums that are right up my (52nd) Street. It's unbelievable! Perhaps the suits/skirts in their ivory towers have finally got around to taking in as to where BSH's - well mine actually - heart lies. Lydia, Holly, Ann (get well soon) and Kari are exceptions but often some of the albums received are beyond my ken. Fortunately, we have a team capable of dealing with both extreme of the jazz spectrum.
This one ain't going nowhere!
My kind of music. Great trombone playing by the leader, great arrangements, great tunes. Even that silly Nature Boy song is given a stay of execution by Carter's effective vocal. Such is her voice that the words become irrelevant to her sound. I feared she might push her luck on Summertime but it was left for Goletz to play a virtuoso trombone solo aided and abetted by equally punchy solos from piano and drums. When you hear Gershwin's composition without brother Ira's words it becomes a whole different ballgame. They were fine in the context of Porgy and Bess but, away from the cotton fields and the jumpin' fish, the imagery is lost in a posh concert hall or a swish niterie like Crombie's old Jazz Café in Newcastle.
Carter does, however, return to do a job on Windmills of Your Mind, this girl has a great range and needs to be heard.
Braden pops up on three tracks - nice sop-saxing - and the string section saw away on a few without doing any harm but, in the main, this is Goletz's day and he seizes the moment. ERIC GOLETZ - remember the name when the next Downbeat Poll comes around. Lance